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International Forum on Low Carbon Cities

23 November 2021 - 24 November 2021

While many cities in North-East Asia have already initiated low carbon city (LCC) development policies and strategies to reduce GHG emissions, more cities need to commit local actions to carbon neutrality following to the goals announced by each national government. To promote knowledge sharing and peer-learning on LCC activities among cities, academia and research institutes, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office (NEASPEC secretariat) and the Incheon Metropolitan City jointly organize the first International Forum on Low Carbon Cities virtually on 23-24 November 2021, in collaboration with Incheon Climate and Environment Research Center, ICLEI, Innovative Green Development Program and Green Climate Fund. 

The forum intends to complement the ongoing initiatives and bring together local governments, international organizations, regional city networks, experts and other stakeholders to deliberate key issues on scaling up city-level climate actions. 


LCCF poster


23 Nov 2021
  • Remarks by
    • Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary, ESCAP
    • Mr. Namchoon Park, Mayor, Incheon Metropolitan City
    • Mr. Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
    • Ms. Sun-Jin Yun, Co-Chair, Presidential Committee on Carbon Neutrality, Republic of Korea
Session 1: Cities for Achieving Carbon Neutrality
  • Moderator: Mr. Ganbold Baasanjav, Head, ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office


  • Presentations:
    • Low carbon transition to green recovery
      • Ms. Yun Tan, Deputy Director, Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Chongqing
    • Hydrogen smart city Kobe initiative: Towards a carbon-neutral future
      • Mr. Leo Luchuk, International External Affairs Officer, Kobe
    • Focus on green & low carbon development for on-time realization of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals
      • Mr. Zhang Chenyu, Deputy Director, Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Shenyang
    • Green growth strategy of Kitakyushu-city
      • Ms. Rie Kudo, Director, Green Growth Promotion Division, Kitakyushu
    • 2050 Carbon neutral strategy of Incheon Metropolitan City
      • Ms. Hyun Ae Song, Director, Environmental and Climate Policy Division, Incheon
Session 2: Innovative Solutions for Low Carbon Cities (energy and building)
  • Moderator: Ms. Beatrice Chng, Program manager, ICLEI East Asia Secretariat


  • Presentations:
    • Nearly zero energy building: Xingye renewable energy industry park R&D building
      • Ms. Shan Liu, Senior Researcher, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
    • Cities’ approaches to clean and renewable energy
      • Ms. Nawon Kim, Senior Urban Development Specialist, ADB
    • Incheon hydrogen ecosystem strategy
      • Mr. Ilwoong Kim, Manager, Energy Policy Division, Incheon
    • C40 China buildings programme
      • Mr. Luke Sherlock, Head of China Engagement, C40
Session 3: Innovative Solutions for Low Carbon Cities (mobility and infrastructure)
  • Moderator: Mr. Kyeong Doo Cho, Director General, Incheon Climate & Environment Research Center


  • Presentations:
    • The compact city strategy of Toyama city
      • Mr. Keiichi Kobayashi, Chief, Environmental Policy Division, Toyama
    • Bike sharing management by the means of a smart technology/system
      • Mr. Yuanhan Wang, Urban Analyst, Beijing City Quadrant Technology Co., Ltd.
    • Electric mobility policy in Jeju
      • Mr. Sanghoon Son, Research Fellow, Jeju Research Institute
    • Zero-emission logistics vehicles promotion challenges and experiences: Beijing case study
      • Ms. Qiu Shiyong, Research Associate, World Resources Institute (WRI) China Sustainable Cities Program
    • Public transport in Leipzig - a tram city
      • Mr. Torben Heinemann, Head, Office for Traffic Planning and Road Construction, Leipzig
24 Nov 2021
Session 4: Green financing for low carbon cities
  • Moderator: Mr. Michael Lindfield, Senior Consultant, GCF
  • Presentations:
    • GCF’s cities, buildings and urban systems sectoral guidance
      • Mr. Michael Lindfield, Senior Consultant, GCF
    • Fund mobilization for urban climate action
      • Ms. Tiza Mafira, Associate Director, Climate Policy Initiative
    • Financing modalities for cities’ climate actions: leveraging climate and blended finance
      • Mr. Dražen Kučan, Senior Urban and Energy Efficiency Specialist, GCF
    • Green finance in Huzhou’s low-carbon transition
      • Mr. Dingwei Huang, Deputy Director, Financial Affairs Office of Huzhou Municipal Government
    • Integrated and transformative approaches and financing solutions for low carbon city development – the example urban projects in Mongolia
      • Mr. Arnaud Heckmann, Principal Urban Development Specialist, Mongolia Resident Mission, ADB
Session 5: Stakeholder engagement for inclusive and participatory climate action
  • Moderator: Ms. Bong-hee SON, GCoM Coordinator, ICLEI Korea Office
  • Presentations:
    • Local actions and collaboration for carbon neutrality in the Republic of Korea
      • Ms. Jeongyeon Park, Director, Local Government Association for Climate and Energy Transition
    • Assessing and tracking China’s carbon peak and neutrality policy efforts
      • Ms. Xueye Liu, Analyst, iGDP
    • Stakeholder engagement local climate action in Japan
      • Mr. Togo Uchida, Executive Director, ICLEI Japan Office
    • Net-zero policy and citizen participation
      • Mr. Taeho Kim, Chief, Net Zero R&D Bureau, Gwangju International Climate and Environment Center
    • Inter-City Cooperation Project on Sustainable Urbanism: international urban and regional cooperation
      • Ms. Yookyung Oh, Operations Officer, CityNet