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Expert Group Meeting on Conservation and Rehabilitation of Habitats for Key Migratory Birds in North-East Asia

10 October 2013 - 11 October 2013
Incheon, Republic of Korea


NEASPEC organized an inception meeting for a new project, "Conservation and Rehabilitation of Habitats for Key Migratory Birds in North-East Asia," which directly supports the Nature Conservation Strategy, adopted by the 12th Senior Officials Meeting in 2007. The Strategy identified the flagship species of North-East Asia, including three species of feline animals (Amur Tiger, Amur Leopard, and Snow Leopard) and three species of migratory birds, namely, White-naped Cranes, Hooded Cranes and Black-faced Spoonbills. After several years of developing and highlighting the importance of follow-up activities on the migratory birds species, this meeting brought together national experts and other stakeholders to review subregional and national challenges related to the conservation of the migratory bird species and their habitats. It also aimed to develop an implementation plan for the project components including joint survey and study, capacity building on habitat management, strategy for habitat conservation and rehabilitation, and awareness raising on habitat conservation.


10 Oct 2013
Opening Session

Opening and welcoming remarks

Introduction to the project and the EGM by NEASPEC Secretariat


Review of the Conservation Status of the Target Species

Presentations from national experts, resource persons and international organizations on the conservation status of White-naped Cranes, Hooded Cranes, and Black-faced Spoonbills, with a particular focus on the status of their key habitats.

Presentations from national experts:

  • China: Mr. Guangchun Lei, Dean, School of Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University
  • Japan: Ms. Yasuko Neagari, Technical Official, Ministry of the Environment and Ms. Hiroko Koike, Professor, Kyushu University
  • Mongolia: Mr. Badamkhand Jambajav, Senior Inspector in Charge of Wildlife Issues, General Agency for Specialized Inspection
  • Republic of Korea: Ms. Hwa-Jung Kim, Researcher, National Institute of Biological Resources

Presentations from resource persons and international organization:

  • Mr. Simba Chan, Senior Conservation Officer, BirdLife International Asia Division
  • Mr. Spike Millington, Chief Executive, East Asia - Australasian Flyway Partnership(EAAFP)
Coffee break
Planning Project Implementation


  • Overview of the Project: NEASPEC Secretariat
  • General comments on the Project: Mr. Ichida Noritaka, Senior Advisor, BirdLife International

Discussions on the overall approach and time frame for the implementation of the following project components: (1) scoping survey and joint study, (2) capacity building on habitat management, (3) strategy for habitat conservation and rehabilitation, and (4) awareness raising on habitat conservation.

Planning Scoping Survey and Joint Study
  • Presentation by Korea Society of Environment and Ecology
  • Discussions on the methodology and process for conducting scoping survey and joint study on key habitats of the target species.
Coffee break
Selection of Target Habitats

Discussions on identifying key wetland habitats of White-naped Cranes, Hooded Cranes and Black-faced Spoonbills.

Institutional and Administrative Arrangement for Project Implementation

Discussions on the role of participating agencies, institutional and administrative arrangement with the agencies and partnership with relevant multilateral programmes.   

11 Oct 2013
Field trip to habitats of Black-faced Spoonbills and Cranes in Ganghwa Island
Concluding the EGM

Review and adoption of the meeting outcomes

Concluding remarks