Launched at the 22nd Senior Officials Meeting (SOM-22) of NEASPEC in 2018, member States have taken steady steps to institutionalize the North-East Asia Clean Air Partnership (NEACAP).
NEACAP Terms of Reference
NEACAP Terms of Reference was endorsed in the 22nd Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of NEASPEC in October 2018.
Science and Policy Committee (SPC)
Science and Policy Committee (SPC), as the steering body, plans, monitors and reviews activities under NEACAP, and promotes science-policy linkages through guiding technical assessments and dialogues. Each member State nominates two experts for the Committee, which may meet on annual or biennial basis. The Committee may also recommend activity direction and organizational structure to the Senior Officials Meeting of NEASPEC.
- 1st SPC meeting (4-5 July 2019, Seoul, ROK)
- 2nd SPC meeting (2-3 June 2020, Online)
- 3rd SPC meeting (30 April 2021, Online)
- 4th SPC meeting (30 June 2022, Online)
- 5th SPC meeting (8 September 2023, Seoul, ROK)
SPC Rules of Procedures
SPC Rules of Procedures was endorsed at the 23rd Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of NEASPEC in October 2019.
Technical Centers
Technical Centers as designated research institutions in member States, to support the technical work of NEACAP.
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES), China
- National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), Republic of Korea
- National Air Emission Inventory and Research Center (NAIR), Republic of Korea
- Scientific Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection (SRI Atmospheric, JSC), Russian Federation
NEACAP Work Plan 2021-2025
Member States adopted the NEACAP Work Plan 2021-2025 and agreed to prioritize the NEACAP core programmes into two categories: Category I activities are those can be started without specific intensive preparatory work and provide immediate benefits for member States, and Category II activities aim to build scientific approaches for policy making but require scientific and collaborative preparation. Policy and technology cooperation is the priority area of NEACAP during 2021-2025.