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Fourth Meeting of Science and Policy Committee of North-East Asia Clean Air Partnership

30 June 2022
Air Pollution

The Fourth NEACAP Science and Policy Committee Meeting (SPC-4)  was organized virtually at 14:00-18:00hrs (GMT+9), Thursday, 30 June 2022.

The SPC-4 discussed (1) the policy analysis report and two policy dialogues, (2) the voluntary BAT collaboration, and (3) work plan for 2024 and 2025.

30 Jun 2022
Registration and sound check (online)
1. Opening of the meeting
  • Opening and welcoming remarks, Mr. Ganbold Baasanjav, Head of ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
  • Introduction of participating SPC members and TC Representatives
2. Election of officers

The Committee will elect a chair and a vice-chair to hold office until the next regular meeting and be eligible for re-election.

3. Adoption of agenda

The Committee will adopt the provisional agenda with changes as necessary.

4. Review of follow-ups on the outputs of NEACAP SPC-3

The discussion will be on (1) the policy analysis report and two policy dialogues (2) the voluntary BAT collaboration, and (3) work plan for 2024 and 2025.

4. Review of follow-ups on the outputs of NEACAP SPC-3 (Continued)

The discussion will be on (1) the policy analysis report and two policy dialogues (2) the voluntary BAT collaboration, and (3) work plan for 2024 and 2025.

5. Date and provisional agenda of the next regular SPC meeting or ad hoc meeting

The Committee will discuss the tentative date and provisional agenda of the next regular meeting and may consider holding ad hoc meeting(s) if needed.

6. Other issues

The SPC members may raise other issues not covered under the items mentioned above.

Other participants may share their views and information relevant to the meeting and NEACAP.

7. Adoption of the meeting report

The summary of discussions will be presented by the secretariat. The Meeting Report will be prepared and circulated by the secretariat to SPC members after the meeting for review and adoption.

8. Closing of the Meeting

The Chair and the secretariat will deliver closing statements, respectively.