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North-East Asia Low Carbon Cities Platform (NEA-LCCP) Expert Group Workshop (EGW)

02 September 2016
Seoul City Hall, Republic of Korea
seoul cityhall

NEASPEC Secretariat organized the workshop in conjunction with the Seoul Mayors Forum on Climate Change (1-2 Sep) to develop a set of indicators for low carbon cities evaluation, the methodology and plan of peer review and the plan of a comparative analysis of national approaches to low carbon cities. The workshop was attended by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Korea Research Institute of Human Settlements, IGES, Seoul Institute, ICELI, CityNet, Energy Foundation (China), Carbon Trust, Innovative Green Development Programme (China), World Resources Institute, Ecologic Institute, etc. The workshop outcome will be reported in the next weekly brief. In the Mayors Forum which had about 30 speakers of mayors/vice mayors, the ENEA Head of Office made session's lead presentation on "approaches and partnership for low carbon development", highlighting the global trend of urbanization and its climate change implication, key policy approaches and roles of networks.

02 Sep 2016
Introduction of NEA-LCCP and Objectives of the Workshop
Brief presentations on relevant works by participants
  • Mr. Max Gruenig, Ecologic Institute
  • Mr. Shinji Yamamura, Nikken Sekeki Research Institute (NSRI)
  • Ms. Xiang Yu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
  • Ms. Yang Li, Innovative Green Development Programme (iGDP)
  • Mr. Kwangik Wang, Korean Research Institute for Human Settlement (KRIHS)
  • Ms. Cuiping Liao, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Mr. Yihui Shi, Carbon Trust Asia Branch Office
  • Mr. Simon Hoiberg Olsen, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
  • Ms. Xiaoqian Jiang, World Resources Institute (WRI)
  • ​​​​NEA-LCCP Peer Review
    • Overall approach, scope and methodology specifics including indicators
    • Expected outcomes, products and their utilization
  • Comparative Study: Overall approach, coordination and outcomes
  • Potential collaborations and linkages on peer review and wider NEA-LCCP activities