Workshop on Transboundary Air Pollution in North-East Asia
Organized by UNESCAP SRO-ENEA/NEASPEC and Asian Development Bank, the workshop focused on a new project on transboundary air pollution in North-East Asia initiated by NEASPEC. The new project is expected to provide review of the current subregional mechanisms and aims to identify possible gaps and opportunities for improvement. Therefore, the workshop served as a first consultation meeting of national experts and other project stakeholders who are expected to agree on the detailed work plan, potential partners and deliverables of the project.
- Welcome address, Dr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Director, UNESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia
- Opening speech, ADB
- Introduction to goals and objectives of the workshop
Technical and policy issues for addressing national SO2 emission regulations, ADB
- National activities to curb SO2 emissions in China, China Electricity Council, TBA
- National process to establish new SO2 emission standards in Mongolia, Prof. Adiyasuren and Prof. Tseyen-Oidov, ADB national consultants, Mongolia
Discussion on lessons learnt from the project and national policy development
- Possible strategies for applying co-benefits approach to coal-fired power plants, ADB
- Modeling of black carbon emissions and their transport in China and North-East Asia, Dr. Meng Fan, CRAES, China
- Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC) – Regional Assessment report with focus on Asia, Dr. Sang-Woo Kim, ABC research team, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
- Technical and policy approaches to black carbon and other Shortlived Climate Forcers within the UNECE CLRTAP, Mr. Krzysztof Olendrzynski, CLRTAP Secretariat
Discussions on the areas of joint actions in North-East Asia and the role of NEASPEC
- Presentation of a new NEASPEC project on Review of existing and required capacities for addressing adverse environmental impact of transboundary air pollution in North-East Asia, Ms. Kristina Volkova, SRI Atmosphere, Russian Federation
- Joint Research Project on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollutants (LTP) – progress and outcomes, Dr. Lim Seok Chang, NIER, Republic of Korea
- Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET), Dr. Ken Yamashita, Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP), Japan
- Discussion on possible contribution of LTP, EANET and CLRTAP to the new NEASPEC project and identification of synergies between these mechanisms
- Discussion on potential research activities of the project, partners, work plan, and deliverables