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The Fifth Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership (APCAP) Joint Forum

The Fifth Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership (APCAP) Joint Forum will be held in Yokohama, Japan in a hybrid format on 20 to 21 March 2025. For its fifth edition, the forum will be organized under the theme “Invest in Clean Air Now” in alignment with the 5th International Day of Clean Air for blue skies and hosted by the Ministry of Environment of Japan. In support of UNEA Resolution 6/10 on Promoting regional cooperation on air pollution to improve air quality globally, the Fifth APCAP Joint Forum will aim to:

  • Inform the state of air quality in the region and recognize progress made to address air pollution at multiple levels.
  • Share and exchange innovative solutions reducing emissions with climate co-benefits from high impact sectors with a focus on legislation, technology, and finance.
  • Facilitate discussion for next phase of APCAP, including future activities and direction.
  • Inspire and accelerate action through regional and inter-regional cooperation for clean air.

It is an opportunity to leverage investments and action, advance science-policy dialogue, facilitate regional cooperation, promote good governance, and demonstrate innovation and technology. The Joint Forum will also be offered to partners to launch new initiatives and programmes on air quality and linkages with climate action.


The key messages, discussions, and recommendations from the Fifth APCAP Joint Forum will be consolidated in a Roadmap for the Third Phase of APCAP and used as main reference for the next phase of the partnership. It will contribute to the Progress Update of the Implementation of UNEA Resolution 6/10 to be submitted at the Seventh Session of UNEA in December 2025 and to the commemoration of the Sixth International Day of Clean Air for blue skies in September 2025.

Expected Participants

Participants at the APCAP Joint Forum represent air quality stakeholders from the region and beyond. This includes high-level policy and decision-makers from national and local governments, representatives from bilateral and multilateral donors, academia, civil society organizations, international organizations, regional intergovernmental bodies, youth, and the private sector. The event aims to be gender balanced and inclusive.

About the APCAP Joint Forum

The APCAP Joint Forum has become the key venue in the Asia Pacific for sharing latest policy-relevant scientific knowledge, and information on the state of national and international efforts on air quality. The forum also aims to identify priority air quality issues, promote regional approaches to combat the priority issues where appropriate and identify mechanisms to help address air pollution challenges of the region.

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