Stock-taking study on carbon emissions from land use and management in North-East Asia
NEASPEC agreed at its 24th Senior Officials Meeting (SOM-24) in 2020 that the programme area on “Desertification and Land Degradation (DLD)” refocus on the interlinkages with other sectors including climate change and develop a subregional approach to create the synergies among actions on addressing DLD and climate change. In this regard, NEASPEC conducted a stock-taking study on the interlinkage of desertification and land degradation (DLD) and climate change. To support this study, the webinar “Carbon Emissions from Land Use and Management in East and North-East Asia” Linking Desertification, Land Degradation and Climate Change” was organized on 15 September 2021 in collaboration with the Mid Latitude Region Network supported by OJERI at Korea University.