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NEASPEC 14th Senior Officials Meeting

08 April 2009 - 09 April 2009
Moscow, Russian Federation


The 14th Senior Officials Meeting was held on 8-9 April 2009 in Moscow, Russian Federation, together with the Expert Group Meeting.

Attended by representatives of China, DPRK, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation, the Meeting exchanged information on national initiatives relevant to NEASPEC and views on the significance of NEASPEC as a key vehicle for subregional environmental cooperation. It received the recognition of member States about the progress of NEASPEC and the importance of strengthening its activity and coordination among member States. The Meeting also made recommendations concerning the progress of the four NEAPSEC projects as follows:

  • Agreed to reformulate the current approach and scope of the Project on Mitigation of Transboundary Air Pollution from Coal-fired Power Plants and requested member countries to nominate one contact point to facilitate consultations and the Secretariat to take the interests of all member countries into account
  • Approved the proposal of the Project on Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas and received the expression of member States’ readiness to contribute to the project
  • Approved the Project on the Mitigation of Dust and Sandstorms and requested to make further communications with member States regarding additional technical supports
  • Recognized the considerable relevance of the proposed Eco-Efficiency Partnership to the ongoing national initiatives on energy and resource efficiency and received concrete proposals from member States