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NEASPEC 15th Senior Officials Meeting

18 March 2010
Tokyo, Japan

Attended by representatives of China, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation, the Meeting exchanged information on national initiatives relevant to NEASPEC and views on the significance of NEASPEC as a comprehensive vehicle for the subregional environmental cooperation and sustainable development. In this regard, the Meeting noted the significance of developing concrete activities based on the common interests of member countries and through proper consultations with the member governments. At the same time, the Meeting discussed the progress of the four NEASPEC projects. Key outcomes are as follows:

  • Noted the significance of support from the respective government on the Project on Nature Conservation in Transboundary Areas and invited the member countries to inform the Secretariat of the nominated national implementing agency by 31 March 2010
  • Noted the proposal of the Russian Federation to develop an additional activity in the context of transboundary air pollution and invited the Russian Federation to communicate with the Secretariat with a more detailed proposal by 10 April 2010
  • Invited China and Mongolia to formally communicate with the Secretariat about the nomination of the national agency for the Project on Mitigation of Dust and Sandstorms and invited other member countries to nominate national focal points for the projects
  • Took note of the conclusion and recommendation of the Expert Group Meeting on Eco-Efficiency Partnership and requested the Secretariat to revise the plan accordingly
17 Mar 2010
Agenda Item 1 - Opening of the meeting
Agenda Item 2 – Election of Officers
Agenda Item 3 – Adoption of the Agenda
Agenda item 4 – Environment and development policies and issues for the North-East Asian Subregional Programme of Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC).
Agenda Item 5 – Review of Programme Planning and Implementation
Agenda Item 6 – Consideration of new NEASPEC project proposals
Agenda Item 7 – Review of issues concerning the institutional arrangement of NEASPEC
Agenda Item 8 – Review and Planning of the Core Fund
Agenda Item 9 – Venue, date and provisional agenda of the 16th SOM
Agenda Item 10 – Other Matter
Agenda Item 11 – Adoption of the conclusion and recommendation of the meeting
Closing Session