Senior Officials Meeting
Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) is the governing body of NEASPEC. It provides overall policy guidance and project coordination and management to NEASPEC by making policy decisions concerning all substantive and financial matters. SOM meets once a year in a member State on a rotation basis.
National Focal Points
Designated by each member State, the National Focal Points are responsible for the routine work in connection with the relevant NEASPEC activities, acting as official channel of communication, consulting with and providing guidance to relevant national institutions on the implementation of NEASPEC projects, collating and presenting the implementation of approved projects and activities, and assisting national institutions and international agencies in implementing NEASPEC activities.
Committees and Working Groups
As NEASPEC has developed into a comprehensive programme for environmental cooperation, science-based policy-oriented committees have been established under NEASPEC as the main instrument for planning and implementing its work in respective areas as agreed upon by member Governments. Thematic working groups can be formulated depending on the needs to advise and review specific technical assessments.
UNESCAP has been providing secretariat service for NEASPEC since 1993, initially on an interim basis, and become the permanent secretariat of NEASPEC following the establishment of the UNESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia in 2010, which covers the same member States.