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Workshop on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity for Transboundary Cooperation

28 August 2024 - 29 August 2024
Incheon, Republic of Korea

Workshop on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity for Transboundary Cooperation will be jointly organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea (NIE) in Incheon, Republic of Korea on 28-29 August 2024.

The workshop plans to review NEASPEC projects on flagship species such as Amur Tigers, Amur Leopards, and Snow Leopards, and discuss a new project on migratory birds including Black-faced Spoonbills, Hooded Cranes, and White-naped Cranes. These projects emphasize the importance of cross-border protected areas, ecological corridors, and effective habitat management. The workshop also focuses on discussing lessons learned and providing recommendations to inform future strategies and directions for nature conservation under NEASPEC.

28 Aug 2024
Opening session


  • Mr. Kazuhiko Seriu, Associate Environmental Affairs Officer, East and North-East Asia Office, ESCAP


Opening remarks

  • Mr. Ganbold Baasanjav, Head, East and North-East Asia Office, ESCAP
  • Mr. Seungwoon Choi, Executive Director, Research Center for Endangered Species, National Institute of Ecology

Congratulatory remarks

  • Ms. Kyoung Hae Kim, Director, Climate Diplomacy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea

Keynote speech

  • Ms. Jennifer George, Chief Executive, East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP)




  • Mr. Kazuhiko Seriu, Associate Environmental Affairs Officer, East and North-East Asia Office, ESCAP


Introduction of the workshop format

  • Mr. Kazuhiko Seriu, Associate Environmental Affairs Officer, East and North-East Asia Office, ESCAP

Global/regional Policies for Nature Conservation

  • Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) and the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) 
    • Mr. Moon-Hyun Shin, Associate Researcher

NEASPEC Strategic Setting

  • Overview of the NEASPEC Nature Conservation Strategy and 2021-2025 Strategic Plans
    • Mr. Kazuhiko Seriu, Associate Environmental Affairs Officer, East and North-East Asia Office, ESCAP
  • Review of the NEASPEC NC Projects
    • Ms. Mi-Jin Lee, Research Assistant, East and North-East Asia Office, ESCAP
    • Dr. Yury Darman, Senior Researcher, Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science
    • Dr. Bernhard Seliger, Representative, Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea Office
  • Knowledge Platform
    • Dr. Jeong Eun (Anya) Lim, Senior Researcher, Research Center for Endangered Species, National Institute of Ecology
Session 1. (Plenary) Progress on policies and programmes for promoting transboundary environmental cooperation in North-East Asia
Session 2. Parallel sessions
  • [Parallel Session 2.1] Conservation of Big Feline Species
  • [Parallel Session 2.2] Conservation of Migratory Birds 
29 Aug 2024
Session 2. Parallel sessions (cont.)
  • [Parallel Session 2.1] Conservation of Big Feline Species
  • [Parallel Session 2.2] Conservation of Migratory Birds 
Session 3. (Plenary) Roundtable discussion on coordinated actions and plans for systematic transboundary conservation in North-East Asia


  • Dr. Jeong Eun (Anya) Lim, Senior Researcher, Research Center for Endangered Species, National Institute of Ecology
  • Mr. Kazuhiko Seriu, Associate Environmental Affairs Officer, East and North-East Asia Office, ESCAP



Rapporteurs’ report on each parallel session 

Open discussion for 2026-2030 Strategic plans

Means of Implementation

  • Role of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) / Data Room
    • Ms. Karen Grace C. Ochavo, Environment Officer, Regional Flyway Initiative, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) 
    • Ms. Vivian Fu, Senior Manager, Wetlands for Asian Flyways

Information sharing platform



Concept note and Programme (as of 26 August)