Workshop on conservation of big cats in transboundary areas of North-East Asia

NEASPEC has been implementing a project “Transboundary cooperation on the conservation of Amur tigers, Amur leopards and Snow leopards in North-East Asia”, funded by the Russian Federation, since 2020. The project consists of three components to facilitate cross-border cooperation, focusing on (1) Amur tigers and leopards along the Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park (China) and the Land of the Leopard National Park (Russian Federation), (2) Amur tigers in Lesser Khingan Mountains (China-Russia) and (3) Snow leopards in Chikhachev and Eastern Sayan ridges (Mongolia-Russia).
Reaching the midpoint of the project, the workshop will be a major occasion to review project progress and discuss policy recommendations and follow-up activities for the final report.
Opening: Ganbold Baasanjav, Head, ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office/ NEASPEC secretariat
Introduction of the meeting (tour de table)
Dr. Alexander Karnaukhov, WWF Russia (Altay-Sayan branch)
Q&A and Discussion
Dr. Alexey Kostyria, WWF Russia (Amur branch); and
Prof. Jiang Guangshun, Feline Research Center, China
Q&A and Discussion
Mr. Ivan Rakov, Land of the Leopard National Park, Russian Federation
Q&A and Discussion